Thursday, July 15, 2004

Random ramblings

  • Decided to try out Launchy for Mozilla last night. Then Mozilla began to crash on startup. Since something like this had happened before, I decided to try the same solution as before--remove the "-mail -browser" commands I had. Then Mozilla could start okay, but still had problems. So I tried to uninstall it. Something in the profile was messed up, but I couldn't find it. Finally broke down and removed all my profiles, backing up what I could. Started with a brand new profile, and things seem to work fine now. Hopefully I haven't forgotten any extensions.

  • Good drive to work today. No heavy traffic, and no jerks driving. No such luck going to lunch, though.

  • I've noticed that big-rig drivers tend to be the most considerate drivers on the road.

  • Anne called at around 12:30 today, frantic. Says her car won't move. After talking to her more about the situation, I finally found out that she was out of gas. Good thing it wasn't anything major. She was able to flag down someone to help her afterwards.

  • I wonder if, when they're done with the road construction outside, they'll do anything about the tons of tire marks they left on the road.