Friday, February 24, 2006

Internet IQ tests

With the influence of Club3G, I just took yet another online IQ test. This one's called the "Super IQ Test" by Tickle, formerly, which was when I became a member and took many of its tests, including a "Classic IQ Test," on which I "only" scored a 131. (Typical IQ tests in the US have a standard deviation of 15, which means most "normal" people should score between 85 and 115, while smart folks range between 115 and 130, and beyond that would be "genius" levels.)

Now, it's been about 2 1/2 years since I took their "Classic IQ Test," so I don't remember much about it, but it seemed to be more difficult than this "Super IQ Test," which makes me wonder what makes this test "super"--is it "super easy"?