Thursday, October 20, 2005


This year started out as a departure from the last few years, as far as weddings were concerned--I didn't have a lot of friends getting married this year, that would have me going to various weddings every month or so.

However, the last two weeks saw me going to two different weddings. The first was Coco's wedding. I would later find out that most of our friends didn't get her invitation (for reasons unknown), and thought her wedding date was a week later than it actually was. So basically, when I got there, the only person I knew was Coco. None of our mutual friends showed up either the wedding ceremony nor the banquet to follow.

Coco's wedding was "short and sweet." It supposedly started at 1:00 PM, and by the time I got to the church in Palos Verdes Estates at 1:20 PM, the ceremony was nearly over. The ceremony itself was rather standard, but the banquet was a bit different: it was a karaoke banquet. I talked with some of Coco's other friends at the banquet, though now I cannot remember most of their names. The only names I do remember are Jeremy, Adrian, and Lilian. I didn't even talk to Lilian, and barely spoke to Adrian, so how I remember their names and not the people I spoke more to is a mystery to me.

Then there was Claudia's wedding. Her ceremony was less like a wedding ceremony, and more like a worship concert. She people doing short skits, sing worship songs, and even had a call to altar (minus the going up to the altar part), before the ceremony ended.