Monday, December 12, 2005


Apparently, in a recent episode of Family Guy, Brian (the dog) tried to cheer Peter up by donning a banana costume, and then proceeded to perform the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" dance.

I guess it's funny enough on its own, for people who don't get the reference. And even if you do get the reference, the original was pretty much a "WTF?" anyway.

Someone mentioned that he had the original as a ringtone for a while. Which reminded me of the infamous "Banana phone"--another "WTF" phenomenon on the Internet. (Although when Raffi originally made the song, I'm sure he didn't expect this kind of exposure.)

I'm not sure which came first--the NewGrounds animation, or the sped-up versions. So I'll link the NewGrounds one first:

Then there are the sped-up versions. I'm pretty sure this one was the first. It's a simple, Gundam in a banana suit, being held by an ASCII girl, animation.

Following the ASCII-girl banana phone, there was a "remix" done, with the "badger" animation.

So, what have we learned from this? Nothing. Except there's some weird stuff on the Internet. Which I'm sure most people knew all along.

Edit: Wow, you really can find anything on the Internet. A quick search on Wikipedia found both songs/animations and references.
Looks like there are a few more animations that I haven't seen.