Friday, August 29, 2008

Call the Police!

Okay, so this recording is pretty old, but I was reminded of it while reading through some other news articles, and since I don't think I've posted it before, and it's pretty funny... and ridiculous at the same time, I figured I'd post it.

This is definitely not something worth call the police over. From what I understand, many fast food places offer some sort of "western" burger at one point or another, and they're often offered on a "limited time" basis, and we can assume that she went to a Burger King when it was no longer the promotional period for their Western Whopper... if we assume that she was actually at a Burger King, and not some other fast food joint.

If she really was at a Burger King, she does sort of have a point, as Burger King's slogan is "Have it your way." That supposedly means you can ask them to without certain condiments, or to add certain other condiments, to a burger. How hard would it have been for their employees to just add some bacon to a Whopper, and smear some barbecue sauce on the inside of one of the buns?

Still, that's not something you call the cops for. And I bet if she had asked them nicely, they would have happily added some bacon and barbecue sauce to her burger...


Peggy said...

OMG! That woman is ridiculous for making a call to the police about not getting her burger right! What a waste of our civil servant's time and the tax payer's money!