Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friday the 13th... again...?

You might think that this blog entry is about the new remake of the original Friday the 13th movie. And you'd be wrong, although the title does seem fitting for it, as well.

Anyway, stuff happened last Friday, which happened to be the 13th. Mostly, I'd say they're all good news, depending on how you look at it. The very good news was that my sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy last Friday. That is all good news there.

The bad news for me, though, was that my car broke down while I was on the freeway last Friday. Although, in a way, it's also good news... because if it hadn't broke down on Friday (i.e. if I didn't drive it at all on Friday), it would have broke down on Saturday, when I'd be out to visit my sister at the hospital, and that would have been much more troublesome.

So I guess the only bad news for me is that I'll have to spent $1400+ on the repairs.