Friday, September 09, 2005

More movies and television

The DVDs for Crash and the first season of Lost came out earlier this week. I didn't see Crash while it was playing in theatres, but it looked interesting enough that I went ahead and bought the DVD. It's a pretty interesting movie, told in a non-linear fashion with intertwining stories and characters, and deals with racial stereotypes, as well as just life in general.

Do I really need to say anything about Lost? I can't wait for the second season to start.

Also caught the latter part of Ju-on on cable tonight. It's quite different from the US remake, and made me wonder if the US version might be more of a sequel than a remake. I think if the US version had been done closer to the Japanese version, it probably would have been a better movie... which reminds me, I don't think I've watched the unrated DVD yet, even though I did buy it.

Fox's new series, Reunion, looks interesting. I wonder if they'll have to find a new cast if they decide to have a second season, or if they'll abandon the "one-episode=one-year" format, and keep the existing cast.